What's the Best FOV (Field of View) to Use in Krunker?
Field of view is a pretty big deal to FPS gamers (Fortnite, COD, and many other games have been in controversies due to locked FOV). Krunker gives you far more flexibility on your field of view (how much of the world you see around you) than most games. The big question is: what is the best FOV to use?
I did some testing and came across some interesting findings:
No performance difference: I was not able to see a noticible performance difference (fps) in terms of playing high vs. low FOV.
No change in sensitivity in terms of 360-distance (the distance your mouse must travel to make a complete 360 in-game is the same, whether you’re on high or low FOV).
Because of the points above, this means that you can really set the FOV to whatever you’d like depending on your playstyle. The short story is:
HIGH FOV = Better for improvement movement - you get an increased perception of speed, and you get to see the ground a lot more, making jump placement easier.
LOW FOV = Better accuracy. Essentially, you are more zoomed in. This gives you literally more pixels to work with when aiming at an enemy. Imagine an enemy on the opposite side of Shipyard. If you are playing 170 FOV, their head is literally just a dot whereas if you are on 60 FOV, the head takes up multiple pixels.
On top of all that, you change FOV as you scope/aim-in. And you can now set how much zoom there is using a setting called ADS Zoom Power.
Personally, I am playing on pretty high FOV (120). My rationale is that I am zooming in a lot when aiming down sights, and in terms of my gameplay, I need more help w/ movement than aim.
Some players who are better than me play on quite low FOV too, and some high FOV. Once you understand the basics, the choice is really up to you!