The Most Important NEW Krunker Settings (Mid 2020)

The Krunker devs are always busy adding new settings to the game that lets us precisely tune the experience for our hardware and gameplay preferences. I’ve made a few videos on Krunker Settings but these vids will always have to be updated (not that I’m complaining or anything).

This guide won’t cover each and every setting, it’d simply be too much. If you are new to Krunker, it’s best to watch my “Krunker Settings Explained” video and the “Best New Krunker Settings Late 2019” video.

Also, moving forward I’d like to stray away from calling something the “Best” Krunker setting. That’s because I’d rather explain what the setting does and let the user decide for themselves.



    • Frame Cap (Not new but it’s working now)

    • Particle Distance

      • This determines the minimum distance in order to render particles, such as the impact of bullets on a wall.

    • Texture Animations

      • Applies to animated textures, such as the animated weapon skins.

    • Object Animations

      • Coincided with the citadel update.

    • Screen Shake (Important)

      • Turn it off for the best aim stability. Turn it on for more visual feedback for timing slidehops.


    • Use old scoreboard

    • Nametag Display

    • Nametag Style

    • Nametag Health Number


    • Weapon Aim Animation (Important)


    • Bullet Tracers (Important)